Onboard Your Collaborators

Learn, commit, contribute and build an organization

App screenshot

Flourishing Communities

Learners and Contributors

Andamio is built to push power to the edges by supporting people to learn new things.

Support people to learn new skills.
Provide opportunities for people to join impactful projects.
Course Management
Publish Lessons and Assignments, track progress of everyone participating in your course.
Contribution Management
When learners are ready to make valuable contributions, use an Andamio Treasury to approve projects and manage funds.
Organization Development
Gain insights into what's working best in your organization and where there is room to improve.
Why Andamio?

From Community to Collaboration

Andamio supports communmities to set clear intentions for onboarding and engagement. You need contributors. Contributors need clarity. Everyone is learning together.

From Local Collaboration to Global Contribution

Any organization using Andamio can hook up to the network and share learning credentials. Because learning targets are clearly stated, everyone can have clear expectations. Organizations can remain independent, or can opt in, any time, to the part of the Andamio network that is helpful.


Turn Your Docs into a Learning Journey

Any existing markdown documentation looks great in Andamio. Just drop your Markdown into an Andamio instance and publish.

Don't Trust, Verify

Learners can validate that organizations are teaching what they promised. Anyone can verify that learning and contribution is happening. In a world of fractal impact that adds up, everyone is an oracle.
